Volkswagen Concept Space Up! in two years will serially

Volkswagen Concept Space Up! in two years will serially

In road saloon in Tokyo Volkswagen introduced pyatidverny Minivan, which was based on the concept trehdverny Up! Launched in September in Frankfurt.

New, called Space Up! , Poluchilas to nine inches longer than the predecessor is probably reflected in the title and that a more spacious vehicle. The framers gave Minivan unusual rear doors which open in the side, providing convenience for passengers boarding at the rear.

A few days ago appeared in a number of media reported that Volkswagen plans to build a family of serial production models Up! . Mass production going to build, probably by September 2010 at the factory in the Czech Republic, reports Automotive News Europe. Cars will be sold under the brands Volkswagen, Skoda and Seat, which is expected in the leadership of the German company, under each of these brands will be marketed to 100,000 vehicles a year.

The very first dealers to get down trehdverny Up! As shown in Frankfurt in Europe it can be purchased at a price of 8,950 euros. Pyatidvernaya version debyutirovavshaya in Tokyo, will see the light and not much later will be offered from Euro 9450

Volkswagen Space Up!

Volkswagen Space Up!

Volkswagen Space Up!

Volkswagen Space Up!

Volkswagen Space Up!

Volkswagen Space Up!

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