VW Coupe

VW Coupe

When photographers K, for the first time during the test-camera Volkswagen Passat Coupe, we decided to zasech time and interest to know how many utechet until its official publication izobrazheniy.Fotki emerged after almost three and a half months. But they look more like bullying than the developer's desire to show its product throughout Beauty. By released Concern dark rectangle no opportunity to see how the car will look entirely. While individual elements hinted that looks chetyrehdvernogo coupe will be very hlestkoy.Tehnicheskie details still remain secret, "but" neofitsialy say that the coupe will form the basis passatovskaya platform with a full drive. What will be installed in the engine compartment, yet can only guess at. Dodge Nitro

But enjoy coffee fortune is not. Since New Year folksvagenovtsy promise to launch a special mikrosayt on cars. The very same show at the KTO coupe in Detroit, which will be held in January.VW Coupe
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